Civil Divorces in UAE – Guide

civil divorce in uae

Civil Divorces in UAE

civil divorce in uae

Divorces for non-Muslim residents of the UAE. are now subject to a new UAE. Civil Personal Status Law.

This new law applies specifically for non-Muslims and will now be the default law for all non-Muslim divorces.  The law is UAE Federal Decree Law No. 41 of 2022. Which came into effect on February 1, 2023.

  • At a high level, the new law states that men and women are equal, in divorce, in terms of their rights and obligations.
  • This means that, among other things, parties have equal right to: 1) a unilateral divorce and/or 2) a divorce without having to prove fault.
  • Also, both parents, by default, have equal and joint right to custody of their children. 
  • Notably, this right is also granted to children, so that they are not deprived of one parent or another.  
  • Furthermore, irrespective of the type of divorce, women have the right to alimony from their ex-husbands. Which is calculated based on a number of expressed factors.
  • Also, noteworthy, parties’ pre-nuptial or post-nuptial agreements are enforceable, under this law.

Civil Divorces in UAE | FAQ

The alimony for women in non-Muslism divorces are calculated based on a number of factors:
They include, among other things:

  • Years of marriage
  • Wife’s age
  • Financial position of the spouses
  • Father’s financial support towards joint children’s custody
  • The extent of wife’s involvement in their children’s lives. 
  • As well as, the reason for divorce.

No. As per the law, the wife’s right to alimony ends in the event she remarries.

Yes. Among other things, parties have equal right to: 1) a unilateral divorce and/or 2) a divorce without having to prove fault.

Both parents, by default, have equal and joint right to custody of their children. Importantly, this right is also granted to children, so that they are not deprived of one parent or another

Yes. Parties’ pre-nuptial or post-nuptial agreements are enforceable, under this law

Civil Marriages in UAE | Overview

Civil Marriages in UAE - Non-Muslim Residents & Citizens

Civil Marriages in UAE

Civil Marriages in UAE - Non-Muslim Residents & Citizens

Civil marriages in UAE can now be registered in the country, across all Emirates.  The right to have a civil marriage in UAE is available for all non-Muslim: 1) residents and 2) citizens.  

  • At a high level, civil marriages in UAE are registered in the local Courts, of the relevant Emirate, before a specialized notary judge.
  • Previously, only Muslim marriages could be registered in the UAE. Courts

To qualify for a civil marriage in UAE:

  • The couple must be a man and woman, who are at least 21 years old.
  • Both of them must be single, as confirmed by a declaration to that effect.
  • And, the marriage must be 1) consensual and 2) not incestuous.

Among other things, at the time of registering the marriage, the parties can also register:

  • A marriage contract, outlining the terms of their marriage and divorce, or otherwise known as a prenuptial agreement.
  • As well as a will, outlining the distribution of the parties’ interests in the event of death.

Civil marriages in UAE. have become possible by virtue of a brand new law, which is the UAE Federal Civil Personal Status Law No. 41 of 2022. Which came into effect on February 1, 2023.

Notably, prior to this federal law, civil marriages were available in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi only. By virtue of Abu Dhabi’s own law. 

Civil Marriages in UAE | FAQ

Yes, prior to this federal law, civil marriages were available in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi only. However, now it is applicable across all Emirates.

At a high level, civil marriages in UAE are registered in the local Courts, of the relevant Emirate, before a specialized notary judge.

The right to civil marriage in UAE is open to all non-Muslim residents and citizens in the country.

In order to qualify for civil marriage in UAE: 

  1. The couple must be a man and woman, of at least 21 years of age.
  2. Both of them must be single. 
  3. And, the marriage must be consensual

Yes, now non-Muslim civil marriages can have a marriage contract, outlining the terms of their marriage and divorce.

Business Setup in Dubai OR Other Emirates | Overview

how to setup business in Dubai & other emirates

Business Setup in Dubai OR Other Emirates | Overview

how to setup business in Dubai & other emirates

To start a business in Dubai or other Emirates, there are a few rules and guidelines.

  1. First and foremost, you need to have a business license.
    This license needs to be for a specific business activity, which you wish to conduct.
  2. Depending on the activity, you need to choose the relevant economic zone.
    It could be either on the mainland or in a free zone. In the Emirate of your choice.
  3. The exact location of your business would also depend on 1) whether and 2) what type of employees you wish to hire. 
  4. Once you choose the right business zone, you need to submit an application to that authority, with the relevant information about yourself and your business. And pay the licensing fee.
  5. You also need to choose an office and sign a lease agreement.
    It could be either for a physical office or a flexi-desk.
  6. You will also need to create your corporate logo and stamp

These are some of the required steps for the issuance of a basic business license.

Additionally, depending on your business, you may also be required to:

  • Open a corporate bank account.
  • Obtain various insurance policies.
  • Appoint an auditor.
  • And, register your business with the tax authority.

Importantly, your business license will need to be renewed every year, along with the submission of certain documents and payment.

Business Setup in Dubai OR Other Emirates - FAQ

First and foremost, you need to have a business license. This license needs to be for a specific business activity, which you wish to conduct.

Yes, you are a business license in order to home business in Dubai or the other Emirates.

Minimum age for trading or owning a business in the U.A.E. has been lowered to 18 years of age. This is as compared to the previous law, which had set the minimum age to 21

Yes. Minors who are between the age of 15 and 18, can also trade. Although they are subject to certain regulations, as per the U.A.E. Cabinet.

Yes, you require a business license even if you are a Golden Visa holder.