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Civil Marriages in UAE | Overview

Civil Marriages in UAE

Civil Marriages in UAE - Non-Muslim Residents & Citizens

Civil marriages in UAE can now be registered in the country, across all Emirates.  The right to have a civil marriage in UAE is available for all non-Muslim: 1) residents and 2) citizens.  

  • At a high level, civil marriages in UAE are registered in the local Courts, of the relevant Emirate, before a specialized notary judge.
  • Previously, only Muslim marriages could be registered in the UAE. Courts

To qualify for a civil marriage in UAE:

  • The couple must be a man and woman, who are at least 21 years old.
  • Both of them must be single, as confirmed by a declaration to that effect.
  • And, the marriage must be 1) consensual and 2) not incestuous.

Among other things, at the time of registering the marriage, the parties can also register:

  • A marriage contract, outlining the terms of their marriage and divorce, or otherwise known as a prenuptial agreement.
  • As well as a will, outlining the distribution of the parties’ interests in the event of death.

Civil marriages in UAE. have become possible by virtue of a brand new law, which is the UAE Federal Civil Personal Status Law No. 41 of 2022. Which came into effect on February 1, 2023.

Notably, prior to this federal law, civil marriages were available in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi only. By virtue of Abu Dhabi’s own law. 

Civil Marriages in UAE | FAQ

Yes, prior to this federal law, civil marriages were available in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi only. However, now it is applicable across all Emirates.

At a high level, civil marriages in UAE are registered in the local Courts, of the relevant Emirate, before a specialized notary judge.

The right to civil marriage in UAE is open to all non-Muslim residents and citizens in the country.

In order to qualify for civil marriage in UAE: 

  1. The couple must be a man and woman, of at least 21 years of age.
  2. Both of them must be single. 
  3. And, the marriage must be consensual

Yes, now non-Muslim civil marriages can have a marriage contract, outlining the terms of their marriage and divorce.

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