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Dispute Resolution Litigation

Dispute Resolution Litigation

  • Negotiations/Settlements: Negotiating and managing settlements of disputes in corporate, commercial, employment, real estate, rental, immigration, criminal, family and other matters.  Conducting legal research and due diligence.  Drafting settlement agreements and assisting with registering with relevant authorities, including U.A.E. Immigration, police, prosecution, courts, etc.
  • Mediation: Assisting with mediating disputes between corporates and individuals, across a wide range of legal matters.  Acting as appointed mediator by private parties and authorities in helping bridge the gap in parties’ positions, with objective of reaching amicable out-of-court settlements.
  • Litigation/Court:  Managing and conducting litigation, across all courts in the U.A.E., for civil and criminal cases.  Working with local advocates on court cases, from first instance, through cassation and enforcement.  Drafting court submissions and conducting legal due diligence.  Representing clients before the DIFC Courts, DIFC Small Claims Tribunal (SCT), ADGM Courts and Dubai Rent Dispute Center (RDC).  Providing clients with thorough updates and incorporate client’s feedback on litigation.
  • Arbitrations:  Representing and assisting clients with arbitration proceedings, across all arbitration forums in the U.A.E. and abroad.  Acting as appointed arbitrator by Dubai International Arbitration Center (DIAC) Tribunal and other arbitration forums.

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