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Real Estate

Real Estate

  • Real Estate Advisory Services:  Advising on legal aspects of investing and managing real estate in Dubai and other Emirates, based on the practice and laws of the U.A.E.  Assisting clients in structuring and negotiating real estate transactions.
  • Property Transactions:  Managing and overseeing all aspects of real estate transactions.  Including negotiating terms and conditions of the transaction, drafting agreements and U.A.E. title deed registration.  Working closely with real estate brokers and parties’ representatives.
  • Real Estate Contract Drafting:  Drafting client-specific real estate contracts and agreements, including POA drafting under the Dubai Court and other Emirates.  Negotiating and managing real estate contracts, based on U.A.E. laws and practice.
  • Rental/Tenancy Matters:  Advising on rental laws in U.A.E., starting from applicable leasing property laws, to negotiating, drafting and registering rental agreements.  Assisting clients with rental disputes, including return of deposits, rental increase, evictions and property maintenance.
  • Dispute Resolution: Advising, managing and representing clients on all forms of real estate dispute resolution in the U.A.E.  Assisting with representation across all Emirates and judicial forms, such as UAE local Courts, DIFC Courts, RDC, Dubai International Arbitration Center (DIAC), Special Committees and other arbitration forums.  Working closely with U.A.E. local advocates.
  • Cancelled Real Estate Projects:  Assisting and managing clients’ interests in court-administered real estate proceedings.  Including cancelled real estate projects, real estate liquidation and restructuring.



Why do I need a real estate lawyer in Dubai for buying or selling property?

Our Dubai real estate lawyers ensure all real estate transactions comply with U.A.E. laws and regulations. We safeguard clients’ interests, to ensure their investment is protected. We review and draft real estate contracts and manage all aspects of real a estate transaction. We negotiate, mediate and represent clients in all forms of real estate dispute resolution. We offer peace of mind in high-value transactions and help clients navigate Dubai’s property market, as well as other parts of the U.A.E. real estate market.

How can LYLAW’S Dubai property lawyers assist with real estate contracts and negotiations?

Our Dubai property lawyers at LYLAW provide expert legal advice and representation for real estate contracts and negotiations. We help draft, review, and fine-tune contracts to ensure all terms are clear, legally binding, and favorable to clients.

Our experienced real estate lawyers effectively manage negotiations and settlements, to secure the best possible outcomes for our clients. We advise clients and address issues that may arise in a real estate transaction, while ensuring compliance with U.A.E. real estate laws, including on such nuanced matters as the U.A.E.’s stance on nominal ownership. This comprehensive support helps clients navigate the complexities of real estate transactions smoothly and securely, minimizing risks and maximizing benefits in the property market​ in Dubai and the U.A.E. generally.

What services does LYLAW provide for real estate transactions?

Our Dubai real estate lawyers offer various services for real estate transactions, including legal advice on buying and selling property; drafting and reviewing sales and purchase agreements (SPA); managing relationships with real estate agents, mortgage brokers and banks; handling transfer of ownership and issuance of title deeds; mediating disputes and overseeing settlement negotiations; and advising on legal and banking compliance.

Our property lawyers assist with the end-to-end transaction process, including property due diligence, real estate negotiations, drafting of leasing and rental agreements, and resolving any disputes related to property transactions. Our expertise ensures that all legal aspects of real estate transactions are correctly managed, safeguarding our clients’ interests and protecting their investments.

What should I know about residential or commercial lease agreements?

Well and clearly drafted lease agreements are essential for both commercial and residential leases. Some of the important and yet basic elements in any rent agreement include terms such as rent amount, rent increase, duration of the lease, renewal options, deposits, maintenance issues and termination clauses. It is crucial to clarify maintenance and repair responsibilities, keeping in mind compliance with local laws and regulations governing tenancy and property use.

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