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Nominal Ownership of Property in UAE – Q&A

Nominal Ownership Of Property In UAE - Q&A

  1. What is nominal ownership of a property?
    It is when a property is officially registered in the name of someone other than the owner.  For example, I buy a property and register it under my friend’s name.

  2. Is nominal ownership of a property in the UAE legal? 
    -The UAE does not recognize nominal ownership of real estate assets. 
    -In the UAE, property registration, as is reflected in the title deed, is undisputed evidence of property ownership.
    -For title deed to be treated otherwise, would contradict the principles of 1) security and insurance, 2) confirmation of property registration, 3) integrity of the land registry
    -Therefore, the title deed is considered to be an absolute authority.

  3. Are there ways to challenge such ownership?
    Only if there is proof of either fraud or forgery

  4. What are the consequences of nominal ownership? 
    -Attempts to challenge the ownership will result in extensive legal fees and court proceedings.
    -The person listed on the title deed is the legal owner.
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