UAE Corporate Tax Law


UAE Corporate Tax Law

Corporate Tax has arrived to the UAE! By virtue of the UAE Federal Decree Law No. 47 of 2022 on the Taxation of Corporations and Businesses.
Otherwise known as the UAE Corporate Tax Law. 

At a high level, Corporate Tax is a form of tax levied on the: 1) Taxable Income 2) of Taxable Persons.  Taxable Persons, in turn, may either be: 1) Legal persons or 2) Natural persons. The Corporate Tax rate is 9%.  And the Corporate Tax threshold is AED 375,000

Taxable Persons will become subject to Corporate Tax from the beginning of their 1st financial year, that starts on or after 1st of June 2023. 
Therefore, all Taxable Persons must register and obtain a Tax Registration Number for Corporate Tax purposes, from the applicable date.  


Civil Marriage in Abu Dhabi

civil marriage in abu dhabi

Civil Marriage in Abu Dhabi | Process, Payment, Court Marriage Day

civil marriage in abu dhabi

Couples in the UAE who want to get married under the Civil law can do so under the Abu Dhabi Civil Family Court. This falls under the Abu Dhabi Courts, which is otherwise known as Abu Dhabi Judicial Department or ADJD.

Specifically, the Abu Dhabi Court marriage service is available to all UAE residents, not only those residing in Abu Dhabi.

Civil marriage in Abu Dhabi – Process

The marriage application is done through the ADJD portal, by logging-in via the UAE Pass. Once the Civil Marriage Application has been filled out, the couple must then submit the following documents:

  1. Passport copies
  2. Emirates ID copies
  3. In case of a previous marriage – the partner must show evidence of the dissolution of that marriage
  4. Also, couples who want a prenuptial agreement, they can submit it as a part of the marriage application
Civil marriage in Abu Dhabi – Payment

The standard fee for Abu Dhabi Court marriage in AED 300
There is also an Express Application option, where the couple can fast-track track their marriage application with a payment of AED 2,500

Civil Marriage in Abu Dhabi – Court Marriage Day


On the day of the Civil Marriage in Abu Dhabi, the bride and groom must present the following documents at the ADJD’s reception:

  1. A completed and signed Civil Marriage Application
  2. ADJD’s confirmation regarding the Civil marriage appointment
  3. Passport and/or
  4. Emirates ID

Note – while the couple can choose the date to get married, the final date and time for the Abu Dhabi Court marriage will be confirmed by ADJD.

Guests are permitted during the Civil marriage ceremony in Abu Dhabi however, they must provide identification documents.

This process is governed by Abu Dhabi Law No.14 of 2021 Concerning Personal Status for non-Muslim Foreigners.



Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedures in Dubai

Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedures in Dubai

Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedures in Dubai

Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedures in Dubai

Non-surgical cosmetic procedures in Dubai are regulated by the Dubai Health Authority or DHA. 

In general, non-surgical cosmetic procedures are defined as “elective techniques” which are focused on “enhancing a patient’s appearance”, using “non-invasive” or “minimally invasive” procedures. 

  • Some examples of non-surgical cosmetic procedures, subject to the DHA regulations include: 
    • Botox
    • Laser and IPL hair removal 
    • Chemical peels 
    • Face fillers
    • Micro-needling 
    • Body shaping treatments 
    • Lymphatic drainage 
    • Cryotherapy, as well as
    • Piercings and
    • Tattoos

Importantly, most non-surgical cosmetic procedures must be performed: 1) in DHA-licensed clinical health facilities, And, depending on the procedure, 2) must be performed by the appropriate health professionals, who are authorizedto perform those kinds of procedures. 

For example, there are certain procedures, which only dermatologists and plastic surgeons can conduct. And, there are some procedures which beauty therapists are authorized to perform. 

The specific requirements and guidelines are set out, in extensive detail, in the DHA’s Standards for Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedures, Version 2, which was issued in June 2022, and has been effective as of August 2022.


Laser Hair Removal Regulations in Dubai

Laser Hair Removal Regulations in Dubai

Laser Hair Removal Regulations in Dubai

Laser Hair Removal Regulations in Dubai

Laser hair removal and IPL (or intensive pulse light) hair removal treatment, in Dubai, is strictly regulated. The regulating authority over such treatment is the Dubai Health Authority, or DHA.

As a starting point, all laser and IPL hair removal procedures must be performed in DHA-licensed health facilitiesFurthermore, health professionals performing hair laser procedures must have 1) separate DHA license and 2) special training

·         Also, only certain health professionals are authorized to perform hair laser removal and IPL, and they are

o    Dermatologists

o    Plastic surgeons, as well as

o    Nurses, beauty therapists and consultants, who carry a DHA “laser technician” license.


There are also specific requirements and standards that every health facility, offering laser therapy, must fulfil. Such as, 1) minimum floor area, 2) appropriate layout and spacing, and 3) a series of safety and protective measures

All of these requirements and more are set out, in detail, in the recently updated DHA’s Standards for Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedures, Version 2, which became effective in August of 2022. And, in particular, Appendix 5.

Therefore, if you are considering any hair laser treatment, keep these regulations in mind and only seek treatment at properly licensed facilities, in order to protect yourself.


Business Set Up In UAE | Minimum Age

minimum age to trade in uae

Minimum Age To Start Business In UAE

minimum age to trade in uae

Minimum age for starting a business in the UAE has been lowered to 18 years of age. This is as compared to the previous law, which had set the minimum age to 21

This means that, now, individuals who are 18 years old, and above can freely own, transact, manage and set up a business in the UAE. 

Furthermore, minors who are between the age of 15 and 18, can also trade in the UAE. Although they are subject to certain regulations, as per the UAE Cabinet

This became possible by virtue of the UAE new Commercial Transactions Law, which is the Federal Decree Law No. 50 of 2022 re: Commercial Transactions Law, and Articles 18.1 and 18.2, in particular. Which replaced the previous Commercial Transactions Law No. 18 of 1993.

Business Set Up In UAE | Minimum Age - FAQ

You need to be 18 years of age to set up a business in the UAE.

Yes. Individuals aged between 15 to 18 years can trade in UAE however, will be subject to certain regulations as per the UAE Cabinet.

Freelance license in UAE is now available for those who are 18 years of age and up. Read more.

Primarily you need to obtain a business license and it needs to be for a specific business activity that you wish to conduct. Learn more.
